New Dark Moon Weyr (Falas) Giveaway

He knew he wouldn't be inheriting his father's Hold, there were plenty of older sons for that, and he was Searched before he could be pawned off on some third-rate Lady's daughter as a consolation prize. He didn't even want land - he wanted to ride.

Cedrek could hardly wait, traveling from the peaks to the Weyrhold - it wasn't really all that much of a Weyr truly but it would do. He had high standards, but he also was absolutely thrilled to be standing for a dragon. Before he stood, he and the others were grilled on information they'd be needing in the future, and Cedrek learned it reasonably fast.

He trained himself to practice his exotic martial arts moves, along with reciting wing formations. With that kind of dedication it was no wonder that he would ride! Though, he was a bit over-eager to instruct others on these bizarre hand-holds and leg swings.

Tarogth emerged from a shell laid by the last Queen in the Weyr, neither the first nor the last to hatch, and announced his hunger and his loyalty.

C'rek and Tarogth would quickly conquer the skies, and were eventually sent off to a real fighting Weyr - Dragonhope, which was, apparently, some distance in the future. C'rek didn't think much on that, instead concentrating on how best to fit into a new wing, and perhaps to impress the ladies of the Weyr!

C'rek (Cedrek)

Status: Lord's child
Age: 15 (now 19)
Gender: male
Siblings: 4
Born: last, plus several half siblings on either side of their family over the years
Legitimacy: born to a married couple
Childhood Health: iron constitution
Adult Height: just normal for their age in height
Adult Build: rail thin, emaciated looking
Skin Tone: fair
Hair Color: red-headed-stepchild-Red
Hair Style: always falling into their eyes
Hair Length: to high back
Eye Color: green-gold
Literacy Level: can read and write but only with the basics
Politeness Level: they're very polite, almost annoyingly so
Focus: they enjoy their work well enough but they love to play more often, yet that attention is often over-used in certain conditions
They're better than average in appearance
They are neither truly giving or selfish

Values and Goals
Enjoys deeply: their father
Values: a Dragonry or Hatchery
Very weak goal: protect something or someone
Very weak fear: the light places
Very weak dislike: the Beach
Enjoys deeply: the Open Sea
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): exotic fighting techniques

Originally From: high mountain community
Location size: smallish
Location climate: moderate
Searched: privately, to avoid any trouble, not too long ago

Dragon - Blue Tarogth

Sturdy and swift in the air, Tarogth is an ideal companion to a guy like C'rek.

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