New Dark Moon Weyr (Falas) Giveaway

Synra knew she was going to be a rider, of course - but she wasn't officially Searched until barely before the hatching. She did whatever other Weyrbrats did, running around carrying things for the cooks, helping clean the weyrs, mucking both runner stalls and dragon dens...

She relished the thought that once she was a real rider, with a real dragon, she would have other weyrbrats to do those things for her. Synra's impression to Pyth topped off a good day - she knew where she'd be going once they were ready to fly, represetitives from other Weyrs had come to make arrangements. With Threadfall ending shortly, if it wasn't already gone, they'd be of more use elsewhere... and elsewhen.

Pyth knows her rider's moods, enjoys fighting thread, but secretly would love to have a clutch of eggs herself. Since Synra is reasonably well trained with medic skills, they are in luck by having a non-fighting wing to return to now and again.

Status: Rider Born (parents: a Bluerider pair, mother and father both)
Age: 13 (now 17)
Gender: female
Siblings: no living siblings or half-siblings
Legitimacy: illegitimate
Fostered due to: parents riding
Childhood Health: often quite sickly
Adult Height: an average-height person
Adult Build: well muscled, but not burly
Skin Tone: light
Hair Color: auburn red
Hair Style: curled and in tails
Hair Length: to mid-back
Eye Color: pale green
Literacy Level: can read with some difficulty
Politeness Level: they're occasionally polite, but often slip up
Focus: they enjoy their work on the whole
They are attractive
They're known for being a bit stingy

Values and Goals
Passionately hates: their clothing
Has fun with: being far from home
Very strong goal: locate something lost
Overwhelming fear: the light places
Very weak like: a Dragonry or Hatchery
Feels Overwhelmingly in favor of being a dragonrider like parent(s)
Odd Skill (learned outside of craft if any): emergency medic

Originally From: scrubland community
Location size: well populated
Location climate: seasonal
Searched: yesterday

Dragon - Green Pyth

More or less a mirror of her rider, this green is snippy and a bit broody almost all the time.

XgwDF XgwDF Rr BB Hh LL UU C1C2 T1T1 OO (Ss N1N1) M1M1

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