Bald Mountain Holt is part of the Kshau Protectorate

Back to the 2nd Generation

White Eyes and Moontwin



Bonded to:(?)

Age: young adult (born year 180) Sex: male
Soul Name: Known By:
Mate Status/Sex Preference: single/hetero
Children: none yet
Parents/Relatives: Father White Eyes, mother Moontwin, Grandmother Rib, half-sister Eclipse (living, dragonriders)
Height: 3'11" Build: skinny, kind of bony
Hair Color, Length, Style: white, fluffy and thick, cut to high back
Eye Color, Size, Shape: silver, narrow
Skin Tone: fair with spot markings, burns very easily
Voice Quality: a bit squeaky, high, quiet
Clothing -- Summer: loose leather pants and jacket in brown, cloth shirt in grey
Clothing -- Winter: often adds a hat and shoes
Jewlery Worn, Made: none, he's a bit squeamish about getting pierced
Tatoos/Markings/Scars: his 'markings' are the result of Awlvon's shaping to make the otherwise nasty blotches on his head look better
Pets/Animals Kept: follows deer around for their antlers
Notable Posessions: carving tools
Holt Function: item crafter - not usually weapons, but instruments, other tools and such
Magic? How Powerful? Sending 8/10, Magic Feeling 1/10, Boneshape 9/10
Climate/Locations Preferred: light woods in winter, snowfall, twilight and dawn
General Likes: music, carving, artistry
General Dislikes: fire, broad daylight, bare rock and sharp rocks
Fears/Worries: if he flies, he may fall
Special Strange Info: enjoys the company of his grandmother Rib quite a lot, he's learned everything from her, rather than Moontwin since she already had her hands full with Eclipse when he was born
Basic Personality: likable, a little silly in the head but always coming up with a clever plan
How they feel about
: I don't even want to meet the ones down below the Holt, they're big and dangerous no matter what Apogee says
Elves -- herders: the Gobacks did it, keeping deer is excellent
Elves -- magic users: it's almost impossible to think what life is like for humans without magic
Elves -- bond-riders: they're so brave!
Trolls, etc: the sending-memories shared say only that they're even worse than any Humans