Welcome one and all to the Oliver Carramba High School page!

Last Update June 17, 2014

Added more Instructors, lots of Classes, and a whole new TEEN GENERATOR!

Since this is the main page, I'm going to go out on a limb and tell you all what's up with this site.

First, Carramba High School is a FICTIONAL place. It is wholly owned and created by me, Lethe, and is copyright 1999-2014 to Droppin' The Fork productions. Everything in it (with the exceptions noted in all cases) was created in my fevered brain over the course of the last two decades or more. If you can't handle role playing games, or fantasy situations, please don't bother messing with Carramba High. It's all in fun, all not for real (except where I've requested real people to appear as students or instructors), and certainly all meant to be played with tongue firmly in cheek. Any works which get parrodied are there only for fun, and not to garner any form of profit or abuse the terms of copyright or trademark if any.

On this site, you'll find information both about the High School as if it were real (with course listings, Alumnus pages, links and details about the campus itself, historical information, and such), as well as the bare bones rules systems which go into the playing of any role playing game. I have attempted to integrate the two, but each can be treated separately.

If you need to get back to this page for any reason, just click the "Home" button in the sidebar!

Second, Carramba High School can be used as a background for many different role playing games, not the least of which are the two which I've combined - HoL and Teenagers from Outer Space. Neither of those products are copyright to me, obviously. Both of those products are USUALLY available at game stores or online. However HoL is out of print more often than not, and sadly its creators cannot be reached for personal contact. This is an UNAUTHORIZED, FAN production combining rules which appear in both systems. It is not made for sale, or distribution in any other way.

Big Eyes Small Mouth's rules will work just as well as TFOS or HOL, I will eventually put in "transfer papers" to convert to this system. If you know of other simple systems to use, please tell me. The simpler the better...

Carramba High is useful because it's a complete package. From the campus layout to class schedules, alumni and staff, current events and students to fill the classrooms. The only thing missing is YOU, and your world. Since Carramba High sits on a nexus of worlds, ANYTHING is possible there. Including YOUR universe having this campus on it.

Third, Carramba High is a work of love. I've put in a lot of work on this place, so please treat it carefully. If you've got suggestions, please feel free to email me about them! I encourage all works of fan fiction, artwork, and inspired other works from my own, so if you're going to flatter me enough by even wanting to place your characters in my world, or taking Carramba High (or your version of it) onto your own world, by all means do so - All I ask is a link or information telling your friends that this is where it came from. Simple, easy, and fair.

The other thing I ask is that if you wish to use any of the images or information off this site, you must NEVER link with html pointers to an image. That's bandwidth theft and it really messes everything up. If you want an image, please ASK for it, or tell me where you're putting it if you've right-clicked on it to save.

Otherwise, go have fun. If you want to make your own dice-rolled character, click on "Create A Teen" to start the process of becoming a student at Carramba High! Make a Radomly Generated Teen with this page!

Or, click on Alumni to see the current and past student body. Want to know what kind of classes you'll be taking at a school which has superheroes, furries, aliens and mages along side its "normal" populace? Check out the class schedule. Meet and greet the fascinating array of instructors and staff. Find out where each class is, what the campus looks like, and where you can get a Fruit Whip, by clicking on the Campus button! The place is waiting for you, start clicking!

If you want a bit more of an explanation of what the heck Carramba High is and where it is located, please head to the 'SPLAIN page.