With a beautiful singing voice and a gaze that can disarm any hardened heart, Soren Sanger is the ultimate seduction machine. He carries with him an instrument similar to a Liberation (a keyboard with a fingerboard like a guitar for pitch and chords) which he uses to sing his way through the halls.

He often has a following of smitten girls - and guys, he's not picky. He's really cute too. In that roguish kind of bad-boy way.

Though he and his sister are smashingly intelligent, Soren just doesn't like doing Biochemistry. His reasoning? He'd rather be handling the full monty rather than just the molecular bits. On the other hand, his Speech class is planning on nominating him for speaker of the year, for the Sophomore class.


Soren is standing at Wu


Soren sat by his bunk, and played a little tune on an improvised harp. His lovely green dragonet, Shonaith, sat and listened.

Did you want to sing me to sleep, or should I sing along? Shonaith asked, groggily.

"Oh, it's time for you to sleep, Shonaith," Soren chuckled. If there had been any girls in the dorm that laugh would have completely done them in. As it was, the green dragonet remained his best audience. She wasn't swayed by the magic in his voice, she was a critic through and through.

Of course that started with their impression, where she was rudely broken from her shell by her blue brother, and demanded he apologize for it. After all, she'd nearly been run over! While she was picky about who came near her, and how she was treated, Shonaith also seemed to have it inside her to beat the competition cold. She was the first female of the clutch to hatch, right?

When she'd fallen asleep, Soren got to writing a letter to his sister and the people at Carramba High. It would be soon, that they'd come and pick him up. Maybe the Doc would come himself? Soren wasn't sure that Crazy Doc Sanger had ever been to Wu. It was a nice place, and Soren wanted to stay longer. But duty called, and the school board insisted that if he and his sibling - and their other-worldy dopplegangers - were to be at Carramba High, they'd have to take classes consistantly.

Curled up around him on the bunk, Shonaith purred in her sleep, dreaming of this place they'd be ... a school with dragon riding courses. She was certain to love that.


Though Shonaith was usually docile during the classes that her bond had to take, she always was curious. Sometimes quite excitable. She always wanted to extol his virtues - namely that he was the most attractive boy on campus, and he could sing so beautifully! However, that got him - and her - into trouble at least once or twice.

Why do those boys think you are strange? You are not strange, you're my best friend! She was about to go show them a thing or two when he stopped her.

"Shonaith, just... let it go. They're probably just jealous."

You are lying, you are holding something back from me! Why are you doing that? The dragoness was hurt, it pained Soren so much to have to do it.

Privately, while they made their way back to the apartments where all the Sanger kids lived, Soren explained, It's something humans and probably some aliens have against gender things... like you and I. They think that girls should pair up with girl dragons, and boys with boy dragons.

If there was a boy dragon fit for you I would like to meet him, Shonaith exclaimed loudly and trumpeted. A boy dragon would not know how lovely you are!

Soren sighed, and that's why those guys think I'm strange... Because guys aren't supposed to compare to girls, they're... Oh just never mind. They're a bunch of idiots anyway.

I think you should get my nest brother Silleth to beat them up. And besides - he bonded to a girl! What do they say about that?

"Probably the same thing they had to say about us, only I bet you're right, they'd think twice about insulting Tansie and her boy. Maybe we should do that..."


"It totally did not just follow you home," Soren said, as Sophia grumbled something about this 'creature' that was so bright and shiny and wouldn't leave her, Genso or Isasa alone.

"I keep telling you, she did." She addressed the violet colored catlike creature, and said, "he's available. You can stay with him now. Right?"

The creature was a Zalor, genetically engineered and cast out by its creator and made available to those who were passing by. Sophia apparently had passed by.

Soren felt a kind of kinship with this beautiful creature though. Little beads seemed to float around her neck and limbs. Then when he reached out to touch one, it exploded with a snap! Startled, his dragoness Shonaith abruptly stuck her head into the 'dragon portal window' they had in their apartment.

What was that? Are you all right?

"I'm fine," Soren laughed, "this little girl just wants to have her space, doesn't she?" The zalor looked like she wanted to make a kind of purring noise, but then instead beamed a pure happy-thought into Soren's open mind. Reeling from that, but understanding that she meant well, Soren said, "We'll have to work on getting that power focused, little blasting cap."

Sophia giggled, "blasting cap is right, but she's also captured your heart."

"Blasting Capture, how do you like that name, eh?" Soren smiled. With her captivating emotive power, oh the trouble they could cause...


Name 003489 - BlastingCapture
Gender Female
Size Small (3' at shoulder)
Fur Length Short
Body Violet
Markings None
Gems Red
Moons Blue
Mother unknown
Father unknown
Abilities Empathy, Fire Cracker
Carries Short fur, no markings
Available Adopted by Soren from Divine Paranoia