Create a Zekiran

Power Rank, Genetic Purity

Please note that this character chart does not include Dragon Master, Dragon Breeder or Rogue status. For those please go to the Dragonmasters of Zekira website. The information there may conflict slightly with this normal timeline.

Every birth is recorded in the Breeders' Network computers. Every single one which goes through a Breeder, of course. Those which might have occurred naturally eventually make their way to a Breeder's office anyway. Fertility testing goes right along with the tests for random mutations or psionic abilities. To create a Zekiran character, their Breeding is directly tied to those things. Each Status has more or less naturally occurring phases of mutations - some more apparent than others. At the time of Character generation the Player must decide what this is, and perhaps who the parents are, and who the Breeder responsible for the Character is. The Breeder is important for the Character's Education and Social scores, since many times the Bred 6 Character will be either Owned by or working in some form with the Breeders. Bred 6 is the most common for Package Deal mutations.

This chart covers Purity, Power Rank and Quantity/Type of powers found in Zekirans during the "Current" era of 10,000 through 11,000. Beyond those dates, fewer or different powers can be found.

When rolling Purity, the Character must already have their Parentage determined.
Purity Roll Averages Mutations or Psionics
N 55+5d10 (60/80/105) none possible
B1 40+5d10 (45/65/90) slight chance, usually low powered or general
B2 40+4d10 (44/60/80) good chance, powers vary, some strong
B3 30+4d10 (34/50/70) better than 50%, all powers available
B4 30+3d10 (33/45/60) usually present, higher chance at strong powers
B5 20+3d10 (23/35/50) rarely not mutated, strong or multiple powers
B6 10+2d10 (12/20/30) made to mutate, usually combined powers, odd

The Power Rank score is determined as Purity divided by 10, rounding down all fractions. In the cases of Bred 6 individuals, there must be a specific thing that they have been selected/altered for. With Rankings, the lower the number, the "stronger" the psionics. Also note well that the lower Rank number, the more likely the character would be to have physical mutations that go along with their powers.

An example: A character is created who is Bred Level 4, and has rolled their 30+3d10 (getting a 5, 1 and 2) and come up with a final Genetic Purity score of 38. This gives the character a Power Rank of 3 (38 / 10 round down). They will roll below, on Rank 3's chart for quantity and type of powers possible.

Number and Type of Powers available:
Power Quantity Type
Rank 5: 1d4-1 Roll Only on Minor and Major (01-65; 66-100)*
Rank 4: 1d4+1 Roll on Minor, Major but only 50% chance at Special*
Rank 3: 1d6+1 Any category
Rank 2: 1d6+2 Any category
Rank 1: 1d6+4 Any category, re-roll Minor once to see if another is better*
Rank 0: 1d4+6**, @ Any category, and can alter Minor or Major powers into Special
(or simply choose up to 10 powers -- three rather powerful ones is normal)

*When re-rolling on Power 4, if a Special rank has been rolled, roll again: 50-100 it is still Special, otherwise it's Major. When re-rolling Minor on Power 1, the chart is as normal (1-60% Minor). If a Rank 5 roll is indicated of less than 1, roll for a power anyway, it is a latent power and might be bred into the next generation but the character might never be able to use it. Use a Latent roll for Rank 6 if desired, but only one power may be rolled for otherwise normal characters.

**Power 0 is not usually attainable, but at the will of the Player and the approval of the Game Holder, a 'thoroughbred' Character can be made, keep in mind that they will have problems. These Characters automatically have a Sanity score of 70 minus 6d10 (regardless of the score they have rolled already) and at least one major physical oddity (see physical mutations). The Power Descriptions chart will make the progressions and ranges apparent. A normally Minor Animal Telepathy might be raised to Special: telepathy with all Steeds Only, etc.

@ Also note, the character may combine two or more powers into a new power, which is their specific Breeding purpose. (Roll Dreamwalking and Teleportation and combine them to DreamPort, where you can move from your location to that of the other dreamer instantly, etc...)
Powers may surface at any time for a character, it just depends on how they were Bred and if they were meant to be using all their powers. Higher powered characters (1 or 2 PR) may have extreme mutations that emerged when they were young, while some lower powers (4 or 5 PR) might never surface unless pressed or 'activated'. If the character has a power that doesn't seem to fit in with their personality, either change it or submerge it: perhaps it would be a good story hook if they are suddenly able to bend light around themselves, or talk to plants.

Some extremely well Bred characters may have been using their powers all their lives: Zhadar Kshau-Von was able to attract animals to his mother while he was still in her womb! There are a lot of moral questions regarding 'when life begins' for Zekirans, it's totally different when you can telepathically link with an unborn child, but there are limits to even their abilities and also limits as to how old a phoetus may be and still be terminated by a Breeder as unviable.

Powers and the Fertility of Zekirans

In the best of circumstances, a Power can be described as psychic, as in stemming from the person's brain somehow. There is nothing at all magical about the abilities that mutant powers give, they are entirely controlled by genetics, and are thusly transferable through generations as well as predictable on the DNA maps that all good Breeders have on their walls.

In reality, physical and mental mutations are almost nonexistent, because much of the time any mutation that occurs will kill the cells at the most basic level. This is a game, however, and since fantasy is whatever you make it, mutations live on and are often beneficial.

Zekiran biology was set many generations ago, while in the great Ships that they used. As mentioned before, the generations spent on those ship permanently altered the way Zekirans look. If it were not for the Breeders, the race would die out.

It was recently discovered that the genes that govern fertility also control mutations. Remove the mutations (good and bad) and the race is dead and finished. Socially, this has not been received well. Mutants are still shunned somewhat, particularly the physical oddities.

It is a possibility that within the next ten generations on the planet the race of imported Zekirans will become separated. Fertile normally bred people will continue to be fertile and free of mutations, while the mutative population will become decreasingly dependent on Breeders and stranger to look at. The rest of the normal population will continue to dwindle, however, because of the poor fertility rate of both the men and women. At the rate that it is currently, only one in six women are completely fertile (normally) and mutant women one in four; males are about five per eight fertile in both categories. The likelihood of having a Character that is female, highly Bred and powerful, and fertile at the same time is so rare as to be one of the few actually on the planet: she'll be highly sought-after for Breeding purposes, hope you're ready for that! Those unBred women who are fertile are often requested to join the Bred ranks, they are getting more and more rare.

That is as it should be, as mentioned before: this is a game, and the Players are responsible for much of the activity in the world. Remember: if the Character is fertile, there is a chance that at some point in the game the Game Holder will introduce a Breeder to them, and insist on or pay for a pregnancy or siring. This is all in the spirit of both the world and the game. What would the role playing involve? A thorough knowledge of the Zekiran body and mind, for one thing. And a lot of imagination and play acting. Since Zekirans do live so long, they have the chance at many adventures. Might one pregnancy be forgotten after a long while? Or would it haunt her for the rest of her life? (would she even know her child? many don't!) Would siring children hinder a man's confidence? Or help it along? It is an honor to be able to bear or sire children in this world, or at least, that is the way that most Zekirans have been brought up to believe. But personalities always work differently, and might a pregnant High Holder have some trouble negotiating business deals? Or perhaps a sire be so tired that he may not race well the next day?