Create a Zekiran

Mutation Descriptions


Occurring only in Psionically active Zekirans, the list of mutations is far from complete. If there is some specific twist that you'd like your character to bear, go for it. Just keep in mind the minor-major-special levels. Combining Mutations with existing Psionic powers can in fact yeild very strong benefits. However there are some truly debilitating mutations as well, so be careful what you choose. Don't make super-powered Zekirans unless that's what the Game Holder needs.

MINOR 01-03 Webbed Finger/Toe/Other
A small mutation, noticable only when in direct view or upon close inspection. A fusing of the skin around the fingers/toes. It would greatly add to the swimming skill - if Zekirans swam much.
Character loses 1d4 Manual Dexterity (Agility), but conditionally may have advantages
MAJOR 01-03 Webbed Arm/Leg
This mutation is more noticeable and causes some trouble with actually moving around, if between the legs. There are still distinct limbs present but they have skin stretched between them. These people will also have some trouble keeping their body temperature up in cold weather, since their skin loses it like crazy.
Character loses 1d6 Agility and 1d4 Appearance
SPECIAL 01-03 Batlike Limbs
The Character is fully shaped to fly, but cannot dress in anything other than sprayed on materials (which exist) and perhaps drapes that can be tucked or tied down. The person gets stared at quite rudely and is really at a loss in social situations: they have hands, it's just that they're spread out to about 4' long... With webbing between the fingers... The character may learn to fly by flapping their arms and legs like a bat, and they may in fact have to learn to sleep in different positions too, but that's assuming they cannot walk properly. Most times, assume the character may walk with proper feet in addition to gliding off high places. (See Mutations page image!)
Characer loses 1d10 Manual but gains 1d6 Agility during flight, lose 1d10 Appearance
MINOR 04-07 Missing Small Appendage
This will be very hard to detect unless it's on the face or head. This can include the loss of part of a nose, a finger, a visible ear, or even the loss of the hair on the forehead (it's not common to be bald, that's an old person's trait). No real loss of characteristics, it's a small conversation piece which can be covered by quick movements, a wig, or prosthesis.
MAJOR 04-07 Missing Hand/Foot
Mutation is obvious to the casual observer, unless the missing part is concealed (by gloves, footwear). Optionally this may be replaced by "hoof" style hands or feet (or both) with a thumb and one or two solid digits where fingers would normally be. This makes holding things difficult at best, unless special objects have been made to their custom needs.
Lose 1d4 Agility and 1d6 Appearance
SPECIAL 04-07 Missing Limb
This is an obvious problem, both socially and physically. In the case of an arm or leg (as heads do not go missing) the character must either use a prosthetic limb or cane, or go without balance or dexterity.
Normally, lose 1d20 Agility and 1d10 Appearance for the loss of one whole limb
Very Optionally: exchange another mutation at any level for Added Appendage - and they can become a Naga Shaped character with a very long flexible body and tail - with No loss to Agility, but 2d10 loss to appearance.

MINOR 08-11 Extra Finger Joints
This mutation is almost indescernable unless the hands are under close visual scrutiny (with a -30% REA: sight roll), or when they are touched (REA: touch -20%). Once noticed, the character seeing this oddity must make a sanity roll (though often at +10%) or lose 1 pt.
Character gains 1d4 Agility: manual
MAJOR 08-11 Extra Finger**
This is a pretty useless but sometimes annoying thing to have, as gloves and shoes must be made specially for the Character. Otherwise, it is an interesting conversational piece.
Character does not gain nor lose anything.
SPECIAL 08-11 Extra Limbs: Arms**
Lots of mutated lines have extra arms. Lish Tiir, the matriarch of the Tiir clan, has them (along with most of her offspring). Rachael and her children have them. Now you can too. Two. Or even four more, at the serious discretion of the Game Holder. The immediate shock value of having multiple limbs wears off after a time, under most circumstances, but some people will always dislike them. They are all fully usable, often the character might have one set be left handed, while the other is right? They are either set one atop the other, with two descending sets of collar bones and shoulderblades (and optionally: breasts), or one set before the other, with a more complex Yshaped shoulder joint. Either way, clothing must be made specially.
Character gains 1d10 Strength and 1d10 Agility, but loses 1d10 Appearance.

MINOR 12-15 Oddly Shaped Toes
Character has odd toes, such as large blocky lumps or "ostrich" toes, no nails, or other odd features of the foot. Apart from the footwear issue, this is not serious enough for any penalties or bonuses.
MAJOR 12-15 Extra Legs/feet**
The first of the extra-lower-limbs options is the less attractive detrimental version, and actually less useful: the legs come out either from the hip at a strange angle, or there are simply multiple feet coming from dual shins. Difficult to walk with, nearly impossible to wear anything less than dresses or robes.
(Legs) Character gains 1d20 Strength, loses 1d10 Agility and 1d20 Appearance unless they are removed at birth. If they are removed there will be deep scars for at least 30 years which fade eventually. But they also never gain any strength.
SPECIAL 12-15 Extra Limbs: Legs/Centauroid Shape**
The latter of the extreme is a full on centauroid shape currently found in several of the Kstet clan and other heavily Bred families. This can be of nearly any 'animal' appearance (cats are popular, as are Steed/Horses, but ferilon, rat, dog, mouse, even bugs can be designed into this shape), or of a basic furless, tail-less rumped form -- ugly as hell if it's your rump people are seeing. Most often, this is accompanied by fur or heavy skin, if not, the elongated body and legs should require extensive clothing and careful tailoring. (The Victorian Bustle dress could still hide an extra pair of legs, and look extremely nice in the process!)
(Centauroid) Character gains 1d20+5 Strength and 1d10 Agility, Loses 1d10 Appearance -- this form cannot be removed at all.

**Note for both arms and legs - Most extra limbs can be removed but only at birth. The mental and physical trauma involved in losing a limb when adult can be deadly. See also Foetal Twin and Inseparably Joined sections.

MINOR 16-19 Tentacular Fingers or Toes
Character's extremities (one or both of fingers and/or toes) have no bones, but are instead composed of very flexible muscle and contractile tissue. This is somewhat unnerving for people to see, but is usually easily concealable.
Fingers add 1d10 Agi/Manual, but subtract 1d6 App
Toes add 1d4 Agi (gripping if not wearing shoes), with a 1 point App subtraction

MAJOR 16-19 Tentacular Limbs
From the shoulder to the tips of the fingers, or from the hip to the toes, or both, the character has flexible octopod like limbs (they do not have to have suckers on them, okay? that's extra gross) instead of arms or legs. This is a fairly bizarre looking mutation, but can be extremely helpful as well.
Arms add 1d10 Agi AND an additional 1d6 Manual to that, but a -2d10 App
Legs add 1d10 Agi, but subtract 1d10 App (they can more easily be hidden from view)

SPECIAL 16-19 Multiple-Limbed Tentacle Shape
Character is a sort of octopus-centaur. With or without suckers at the whim of the player. This mutation is totally separate from the 'Naga' shape which results from the 'missing limb' or 'multiple arm breeding' mutations. The character slaps around on anywhere from 3 to 9 tentacles which are anywhere from 4' to 8' or even more at the player's discretion. This is very nearly impossible to hide, without psionic assistance. So everyone will hear the character coming, while they make their way across marble floors (splap splap splap...). For others, the first time they see (or hear) the character coming at them, they must make a Sanity roll or lose 1d6 Sanity. This is the only time people must do this.
For EACH tentacle, add 1d4 Agility and 1d3 Strength, while subtracting 1d3 Appearance

MINOR 20-22 No Ears
This mutation is detrimental in that the character has no external ear, or at the whim of the player has no hearing-ability at all. The physical result is that there may be a small flap or hole where the aural canal leads into the head, or just smooth skin. This can cosmetically be aided, but the loss of hearing will be permanent.
If hole, subtract 10 directly from Reaction: Hearing rolls
If totally missing, character cannot hear and never makes any Hearing rolls (this can be treated as a Major disadvantage as well)

MAJOR 20-22 Pointed Ears
This mutation is nothing special, though it often runs with the 'Tech' psionics. The ears can be slightly pointed (like Spock in Star Trek), or slightly longer and wing-like (and ElfQuest style elf), or a bit long and slender and pointing away from the head (like a Record of Lodoss War manga elf). The character may have a bonus to their hearing rolls, but this is at the discretion of the Game Holder. There is no appearance loss unless in an area or time which these kinds of mutations are a true hindrance.

SPECIAL 20-22 Long Ass Ears
The character has really long ears, often wedge-shaped or with points on the end. They may also have large Dumbo-like ears, which will certainly have an effect on the character's performance in social situations. If the character is already Animal Tuned, these ears can very well resemble any of the creatures which the character controls/senses. They will enhance the senses, but they also come with the social stigma of being, well, long ass ears.
If Animal Tuned, add 1d10 to Reaction: hearing score, subtract 1d6 Appearance
If huge ears, add 1d6 to Reaction: hearing, subtract 1d10 Appearance

MINOR 23-26 Small Odd Facial Feature
This mutation is very similar to the Power of Animal traits, however it only applies to the head and neck of the Character. Eyes, muzzle, ears, markings, light fur, or the lack of hair (replaced by fur or scales or chitin) may be selected. Antennae, stalks, or other such additions are common too. This can also mean the character has an exceedingly ugly nose, hanging lips, or eyelids that droop in an unsightly way.
If a sensory organ, specifically add 1d4 to the Reaction score of that sense, subtract that same amount from Appearance. If not an organ, they do not gain nor lose any points. For anything that interrupts senses, lower score by 1d4
MAJOR 23-26 Extremely Odd Face
As the General Animal trait, but the features are not normally found in so great numbers. Or perhaps the traits are from an animal not mornally considered for splicing (such as octopod, crab, insectoid). It can also mean that the character is cursed with a malformed skull, missing facial feature such as a nose or eye, part of the jaw. This mutation will have a shock value of 1d4 Sanity the first few times it is seen.
If sensory organs, add 1d6 to Reaction score to that sense; all subtract 1d10 from Appearance

SPECIAL 23-26 Fully Non Human Head
Select an animal or feature from the critters list and plop that head on the Character's neck. The entire head, including whatever sensory organs and appearance, is assumed to house a mostly human brain. Communication may be hindered or impossible. Each case should be different and should be thought out carefully. The most popular ones are canines, steeds or felines, but ferilon, squirrel, other rodents, birds, and the occasionally flashy fishy head have been selected. It is very unusual to have a character with simple malformations of this level.
Varies per creature, but assume at least -1d20 Appearance if not a "pretty" animal; minus 1d10 Sanity when seen for the first few times; and consider up to -1d10 Social Skill for loss of communication ability if that might be likely

MINOR 27-31 Short Quills on Arms
Spines about 1" to 3" long sprout from the radius of the arm. These may be curved, straight or even bent or thorny, but usually provide the Character with 1d4 Scraping damage. They can be removed but will leave scars or more often they'll just grow back. They cannot move under their own power, as they are merely growths from the bone. They are often a complimentary color such as the color of hair on the character, or if they have multiple shades on their skin they might be one of those. Basically they're "bone" colored - and Zekirans have rather colorful bones...

MAJOR 27-31 Long Quills on Arms or Many Quills on Arms/Legs
These spines are longer than the Minor version, up to 8" long, and might be under muscular control. They may be curved, straight, barbed or however suits the Character best. They offer 1d6 Scraping and 1d4 Impaling damage should the character choose to use them in combat. However, they might also break off, causing lots of pain and perhaps getting infected (Health rolls, anyone?). They usually grow back if broken, or even when gouged out completely. They often grow about an inch a month, so they might often need trimming. They may be from the wrist to the elbow, sprouting straight from the elbow, along the shoulders, up the ankle to the knee, anywhere that seems right, but not so much that they are covered. They may also have lots of tiny, short spines just surrounding their wrists/ankles or other such places, along their spine, or if they have a tail that might also!

SPECIAL 27-31 Pocrupine City
The Character is hopelessly covered in spines. They will range in size from teeny to huge, as if they were hair along the back, or on the skin. These should be treated as porcupine quills for the way they may adhere to something when used as an attack, and will provide adequate armor as well as attack value (4 points of general armor, plus 1d4 Scraping damage for short spines, 1d4 Impale damage for longer, PER spine!). Note well that this type of mutation is dangerous to people around the character, no matter how much they like you. There will be trouble with clothing, and definitely hinder the character in social situations.
Subtract 1d6 Agility, -1d4 Appearance, and locate a good tailor...

MINOR 32-35 Tiny Horns
Character has small ridges or horns on the forehead, coverable by a hat, headband or even hair. Something like a Klingon or other such moderately mutated humanoid appearance that involves sharpies on the head. (Darth Maul, if he were to grow hair on his head...) This will not have much effect on Appearance, in fact some might think them quite stylish.
MAJOR 32-35 Short, Noticable Horns
Character has short (up to three inches long) horns on their head coming from their brow or upper forehead, or one single horn up to 8 inches long from the center of the forehead or skull. This is usually in a color complimenting their nails or hair. They may be removed, but only at birth, and it is likely to grow back over time or leave a large permanent scar.
Character loses 1d6 Appearance, but gains the ability to use the horns in combat for 1d6 bashing or impale

SPECIAL 32-35 Kickass Horns or Antlers
Character may have one of several types of horns or antlers growing on their head. A single 2 or 3 foot long unicorn style horn providees 1d10 impale damage; curled ram's horns which grow during the live of the character but may break off permanently, are good for 1d10 bashing damage but check for bone damage if successfully hitting something; Antelope style (tall, curved or twirled, sickle-shape, etc) give 1d8 impale each; deer's antlers which grown and shed during the whole life of the character - if they have these they will increase one point about every 10 years, and their 'velvet' stage might last up to a full year. Antlers provide 1d2 impale damage per point, but they also have a 10% chance every time used to be broken.
For all of these cases, -1d10 Appearance; also keep in mind the requirements of sleeping, housing and the like, that these big horns might cause. These also are often coupled with hooves or other animal mutations

MINOR 36-37 Extra Eye
Character has one extra eye, usually situated on the forehead between or above the other two. This eye may be fully functional at the discretion of the player, or have only a use specific to a power that the character has (Often something like future sight or some other visual or telepathic function) which this eye can focus. This can often be disguised by hair or a hat.
Though this might be quite strange to see, some people wear their third eye quite well. There is a -1d4 Appearance loss, but a +1d4 Reaction: Sight if the eye is normally functional
MAJOR 36-37 Two Extra Eyes
Character has a pair of eyes beyond their normal two. Depending on where the eyes are placed, they may be impossible to hide. They often make the head much bigger or taller than normal. Optionally the character might simply have two HUGE eyes (imagine the biggest Anime style eyes) but keep in mind these are still quite bizarre to see.
Two extra eyes warrant a 15% bonus to Reaction: Sight, but at a -1d10 Appearance
Huge eyes give a 5% bonus to Reaction: Sight, and a -1d6 Appearance

SPECIAL 36-37 Sensory Organs in Unusual Places
This is altogehter one of the more unnerving mutations ever. The character may opt to have fully functional features on their head, but in addition also have one or more other features such as "eyes on the back of their head", "mouth in the hand (a-la vampire hunter d)" or "eyes where their nipples should be" ... EEEEeeeewwww... They could have stalks with eyes on the ends, like a snail. Even the dreaded "teeth in the privates" can be placed here. This is a Special, serious mutation. These features cannot be removed, they are a part of the character. They may turn out to be the seat of their Psionic powers, too. Look into my eyesss.....
If used as a sensory ability, add 10% to that Reaction score
Additionally: subtract 20 Appearance outright. No complaints. Also, incur a 1d10 Sanity loss the first few times someone sees this

MINOR 38-42 Short Tail
Like birthmarks and certain facial hair recipients, Short Tails can be considered adorable on the right rear end. They are never more than three or four inches in length, and are often just a nub. Most normal clothing disguises this feature easily. It can be removed, but why?
MAJOR 38-42 Medium Tail
An elegant short catlike tail, or canines or even a steed-like mop of hair. This can be up to 3 feet in length, and often provides extra balance for the Character. It can have fur if and only if the character is already Animal Tuned, bred or descended from someone with facial or body hair (in the right places - like Amaranth's Lovely Tail ™). Otherwise it is a long, hairless extension of the spine. Prehensile abilities are rare but should be discussed with the Game Holder before stipulating it thus.
Medium Tail adds 1d10 Agility, -1d4 Appearance unless Animal Tuned
SPECIAL 38-42 Big-Ass Tail
This mutation is very obvious and cannot be removed as it is a serious part of the anatomy of the Character, even at birth. It is up to the full height of the Character in length, and acts as a balance to them when they move. Most are for show, but some have been known to be prehensile. These are oddly most often not Animal Tuned tails, and are the same color as the rest of the Character's skin. They might be the recipient of spines, hair, spots, sensory organs or other mutations.
Large Tail adds 1d10 Strength and 1d10 Agility
Prehensile Tails ONLY: add 1d4 Agility/Manual, added to above
Either case: subtract 1d10 Appearance and you should start thinking about how cold that big-ass tail gets in winter. And how much clothing it'll need at parties

MINOR 43-45 Small Fin
Character sports a small immobile fin, either on their head (above hairline or from forehead over skull) or on shoulders/back. This is little more than an amusing conversation piece, like any other added skin, and can usually be hidden with clothing, hats or big hair. This fin is rarely longer than the fingers of a hand - but should not be removed because of its placement on the head.
MAJOR 43-45 Medium Sized Fin
This is a more sizable fin, and may be mobile. It may be up to 1 foot high, or have a sort of sail arrangement depending on placement. Similar to many cool-looking dinosaurs, this fin might enhance vocalizartion by resonating, or maybe it just loses heat in the desert sun. Either way it is not at all concealable. If it is on the character's back, they might not be able to wear normal clothing. The fin mutation might also come in the form of webbing on the arms or legs, as in fish fins (must be multiple), and those are just as hard to cover as one on the head. These though, might aid in swimming.
Medium Fin subtracts 1d6 from Appearance, if a swimmer it adds 5% to their final percentage (treat as a skill bonus of +1), however minus 10 to survival rolls in cold climates
SPECIAL 43-45 Large Saurian Fin
With one of these, you know you're dealing with a mutant. Starting at the top of the head, usually by the forehead or at the hairling, a large fin begins. It may be assisted along the way by tines similar to a finback dinosaur or sailfin fish. In essence this fin goes from the top of the head to the rump or the end of the spine. If that spine ends in a tail (and it often does with these mutants) it goes all the way to the end of the tail. This will allow tremendous swimming ability and will assist in losing heat in hot environments. They will also lose heat in a cold environment too. And are almost impossible to clothe. Most people with this mutation might be found in a warm area where they won't be needing much clothing anyway.
Large Fin loses 1d10 Appearance, adds swimming skill +3/15%, if cold environment minus 30 to survival rolls

MINOR 46-50 Small, Useless Wings
Character is stuck with an adornment that takes up a lot of back. They may choose to either have little leathery batwings, feathery ones, or even flappy butterfly or insect wings - depending on if they have been spliced or Animal tuned. None of these will be any bigger than what you'd see on a typical greeting card cherub, cutsie devil or fairy. They may flap, but they aren't going to get anywhere off the ground, and they certainly can't stop a fall. Special clothing should be cut for the Character. This cannot be taken as webbing between arms and legs, this is a totally different mutation.
Small wings might add or subtract no more than 1d4 from Appearance, depending on how 'attractive' the wings appear
MAJOR 46-50 Short Wings
The character is fitted with wings which are about three to four feet long. If the character is spliced with an animal or insect, they may have feathered or furry wings, or chitinous ones, but if not they will have batlike wings on their back in the same color as their skin. They can be used to break a fall or glide in stiff winds for short durations. This is extremely dangerous, and might break bones if the character is not skilled in landing.
Short wings are -1d6 to Appearance, but offer 1d6 Agility bonus and can glide up to the per-turn movement rate without exhaustion. Chitinous wings beat much faster and the character "hums" like a dragonfly when they fly
SPECIAL 46-50 Full Sized Flight Wings
Character has wings which are at least the full length of their height, in the "finger" joint (when folded, they will be just taller than the head) plus will have about 3x their height as a wingspan. Depending on the style of breeding, they may have scoop shaped leather (skin) wings, or large fluffy feathery ones. Fairy wings will not support this flight ability. Either of the flight wings can be flapped into the air with the same move rate as a Steed and can be skilled up to provide not only ability but possibly a profession.
Flight wings offer 2d6 Agility, -2d8 Appearance if non-feathered

MINOR 51-54 Thick Skin
This is not immediately apparent to anyone who is not in physical contact with the Character. When touching the Character, roll against Courage to continue contact. The skin is not visibly different, but the texture is rough or heavy, something virtually unknown to the Zekirans. By continually rubbing lotions on the skin the Character can maintain a softer feel, but the skin will be just as hardy.
Character does not lose any App. Gain 1d10 Health and armor vs scratching damage at +2.
MAJOR 51-54 Leathery Skin
It is obvious to any observer that the Character's skin is different. There may be visible texture on it, or unusual folds that make it apparent that there is extra thickness to it. On touch, it is very hard but still mobile to a large extent, and many people will think the Character may be wearing tight leather from a Grazer.
Character loses 1d6 Appearance, gains 2d8 Health and armor vs scratching damage at +4.
SPECIAL 51-54 Natural Body Armor
The Character will be hampered slightly due to the thickness of the skin, but the advantage of not being able to be punctured or scratched is obvious. The skin will have a dull look to it, and no amount of lotions will make it look natural. There will be places that have hard texture to them, at the Player's discretion they may choose to have plating or knobby skin, like an alligator or turtle. Most of the time they will seem more like rhinos.
Lose 3d8 Appearance and 1d10 Agility, gain 3d8 Health and take only 1/5 damage from impaling attacks, no damage from scraping, 1/2 damage from fire or acid. Smashing damage gets no modifier.

55-59 Hard Nails on Hands and Feet
This might seem like nothing out of the ordinary, but normal Zekiran nails are soft to nonexistent. If the Character is not careful when mindlessly scratching themself they can do some real damage.
Character does not lose any Appearance, gains the ability to do 1d2 damage: scraping.
55-59 Small Claws on Hands and Feet
Fitting into shoes will be uncomfortable at best, and it is obvious by looking at the Character's hands that they are unusual. Claws of this type can be narrow like a cat's claw, or look somewhat like a manicured Earthly acrylic nail.
Character loses 1d4 Appearance and 1d6 Agility:manual, but gains the ability to do up to 1d10 scraping damage with either hands or feet.
55-59 Long Claws on Hands and Feet
These are claws that are at least 2" long, at the Player's discretion and the Game Holder's approval they may be retractable (this is described below). There will be no shoes worn here. Ever. Shoes would go bye-bye with those claws. Even if the hand claws are retractable, the fingers are curved more than normal, and hard to use with implements like, say, forks and pencils.
Character loses 1d6 Appearance and 2d6 Agility:manual (1d4 Appearance and 1d6 Agility for retractable) but gains the use of 2d8 damage scraping/1d4 impale on both hands and feet. Claws can be broken, but it takes a lot of twisting and cutting to do it. Retractable claws do 2d6 scraping damage, 1d8 impale.

MINOR 60-65 Small Fangs
Much like exaggerated canine teeth, these will be noticeable when the Character smiles or talks, they cannot really be concealed. They will be looked at with interest, but they are nothing to worry about socially.
Character gains 1d2 impaling damage with their bite, if they choose to get close enough to someone to do this. They do not lose any App.
MAJOR 60-65 Long Fangs
These are no longer just 'cute'. These are fangs that are up to 2" in length, perhaps with a gap in the lower jaw to fit them. (Or the Character just cuts themself constantly.)
Character loses 1d4 Appearance, gains 2d6 impaling ability, but must bite to succeed.
SPECIAL 60-65 Tusks
Either upper or lower jaw or both will have at least two matching tusks in them. These are much like boar tusks, short but thick and virtually unbreakable. They can do smashing damage, but impale automatically.
Character loses 2d6 Appearance, gains 1d6 smashing and 1d6 impale. Check for bone damage on Smashing attacks for breaking.
MINOR 66-69 Birthmark
Common like PortWine Stains are common on earth, or could even be moles or freckles. Nothing at all unnerving about this kind of mutation, particularly if it is in an unusual location it might be 'adorable'. If the character has rolled two or more colors on their Appearance generation, this can indicate a pattern for the colors rather than a mix, sheen or changeability.
Gain nor lose no points.
MAJOR 66-69 Skin Condition
Severe acne, scarring from birth, malformed skin, minor smell. Does not impede character, but looks bad.
Character loses 1d8 Appearance.
SPECIAL 66-69 Offensively Bad Skin Condition
Open sores that never heal, warts that cover much of the skin, chancres, particularly noticeable odor, excessive sweating, easily burned skin. This can be combined with certain powers to produce effects (Vampirism, etc).
Character loses 3d6 Appearance, and if the condition is naturally contagious (30%) lose also 2d6 Health.

MINOR 70-73 Facial Hair
As Birthmark, this feature is an unusual one in most Zekirans, but it isn't always a bad one. Properly groomed, a beard can be extremely sexy. Facial hair on female characters is extremely unusual, if your character is female and you've rolled this, opt for another, unless you're brave. Or she could just have a beard and be proud of it. Freak.
Gain nor lose no points.

MAJOR 70-73 Body Hair
This is a little more serious, as body hair is virtually unknown. The character will have a visible amount of it, of about the same texture and color as their head hair, on their body, arms and legs, probably also face. (Yes, they look like a typical earthly male!) Since this isn't normal procedure for Zekirans, there is an Appearance loss. However: if your character can directly trace back to one of the Paveh line, there is no App loss. Being born into that line assures the Character has learned how to properly groom themselves, no matter what their Status is.
Lose 1d8 Appearance.

SPECIAL 70-73 Gross Mangy Body Hair All Over Them (sorry, that got away from me)
Yeah, that's about the size of it. It comes in fits and starts, clumps up on the back, they might have hairy palms, for all we know. It's just icky and all over. May smell, optionally. Cannot be shaved off, that's probably worse. Note that if the character has Animal Tunings, this might actually benefit them: it's also an animal feature, and can be listed as fur instead, the character will have a luxurious coat of it above and beyond their skin coloration. They MUST take care of it, otherwise it'll just be GROSS.
Hair -- Lose 2d8 Appearance
Fur -- Lose 1d6 Appearance but must maintain it with combs, bathing (dustbath?)

MINOR 74-75 Skin Burns Easily
Character's skin is a faded shade of whatever their color is, and fails to darken properly in the sun. This is akin to pale Irish folks glowing at the beach. Nothing special.
MAJOR 74-75 Very Sensitive Skin
This character's skin burns and peels at the faintest inkling of being in the sun too long. They can stay out during the day if wearing a solid covering, or sun blockers on every exposed portion, but otherwise they will start to burn after about 20 minutes.
Character loses 1d4 Appearance only when burnt and peeling
SPECIAL 74-75 Complete Albino
This character has lost all the chemicals in their skin designed to produce color. In humans it's melanin, for Zekirans it is a complicated mess of different color cells - this one doesn't have any of those things. Their skin is almost translucent - pinkish in places where the blood flow is good, blue-grey or oddly shaded underneath where there are guts, bone and gristle. In addition to this, their hair and eye color is also a very washed out shade of whatever they were born with. Their eyes are a bright pink, and are 3x more sensitive to light than normal, blinding only - they are not given special Reaction bonuses for this. However they can see better in darker situations. They cannot go out into the sun for more than a few minutes. Longer than 10 minute exposure produces quick burns, and exposure longer than 20 minutes will cause severe deep burns that may permanently scar.
Lose 1d10 Appearance permanently, Lose 1d6 Social due to lack of outdoor appearances.
MINOR 76-78 Brittle bones
More than the usual frail bones, these will break with only 2 points of smashing damage (whereas the normal is about 6) and heal slowly. There are no obvious external clues to this mutation.
Character neither gains nor loses anything automatically. Check every time any smashing damage has been done, 15% breakage automatically.
MAJOR 76-78 Misshapen Limb
Since something went wrong with the formation of a bone or two, one limb will be bent or too straight.
Character loses 1d4 Appearance, and 1d6 Agility.
SPECIAL 76-78 Deformed Limb
More than just bent, one limb is extremely wrong. This limb will not function properly or if it can, very poorly. A staggering, swaggering walk for bent legs, holding objects with a twisted stump of a hand, hunchback, all of these things are included in this Special Mutation.
If it is an arm, the Character loses 2d6 Agility:manual
Leg: the Character loses 1d6 Agility and 1d6 Strength (and usually must walk with a cane or other method of support).
If it is their head or torso, lose 2d6 Appearance and 1d6 Health. (Back brace or lumpy head...)
MINOR 79-81 Weak Bones
Unlike the Brittle bones section, the Character's bones are only loosely hardened, much like a baby's bones. The joints are always at risk of being bruised with even everyday activity.
There is no outward appearance loss. The Character loses 1d4 Strength, 1d4 Health and 1d6 Agility and must check with strenuous activity if there is permanent damage (10%): minus one point of Body Type (not Health or Strength, though this score is based directly off them) each time a permanent is rolled. Should the character eventually have bruised themself to a zero Body Type they're considered crippled and cannot perform even the simplest tasks without assistance. This damage can be healed by a Breeder/Healer who can use the Heal Others power.
MAJOR 79-81 Very Soft Bones
Again, there is no outward appearance of this mutation, but the bones of the Character are not really formed at all. Only a thin shell of calcium has formed around the marrow, and the Character will be in danger of damage constantly.
Character loses 2d4 Strength, 2d6 Health and 2d6 Agility, checking during strenuous activity for damage (20%).
SPECIAL 79-81 Cartilage Instead of Bone
These poor Characters will never have formed bones. They will need a lot of help getting around if they do not have implanted splints in their back, legs and hips to even walk. If they do not have implants or prosthetics, they lose big time.
Without implants: lose 1d6 Appearance (they look soft), 3d8 Strength, 3d6 Health, and 3d6 Agility.
With implants or prosthetics: lose 1d6 Appearance, 1d10 Strength, 2d6 Health, and 1d6 Agility. They do have the advantage of being very pliable, and can fit into otherwise cramped places. It is assumed that their chest cavity and head have enough bone to support the structure.
MINOR 82-83 Tense Joints
The Character is generally not a flexible kind of person. Their knees pop whenever they kneel down, suffer from major weather changes (Shoulder's actin' up, storm a'comin.), and just complain about having to get into places if there's the slightest bit of crouching involved. It's not a really bad disability, just an annoying one that ought to be played up.
Lose 1d8 Agility.
MAJOR 82-83 Stiff-Jointed
As Tense Joints, but this is a more serious problem. They cannot be expected to ride a Steed or pick up things off the ground easily, even minor changes in temperature and humidity will inflame their joints, making them suffer pain and movement loss.
Lose 2d8 Agility, when any weather changes are imminent, character is considered 'in pain'.
SPECIAL 82-83 Inflexible
These Characters are really stiff, might require tendon surgery to be able to move their fingers and elbow joints, their knees are just shot, and they might walk extremely slowly due to the pain in their back and hips. Their joints appear swollen and painful, even to other characters. They may still function in everyday life, but they're going to be complaining constantly about it.
Lose 2d12 Agility, check when needing to perform an action such as catching or fine manipulation: failure indicates debilitating pain, character must stop the action or roll against Courage.
MINOR 84-85 Exudes Scent
This character has a certain smell that their skin, hair or glands produce constantly. This can be good or bad - they might smell like nutmeg (Aern Kshau) or alternately they might carry the pungent scent of something lovely to flies... If an Animal Master with some kind of fur has this mutation, they may have a skunk or musk scent - and treat it as a negative mutation only in that regard. If they are not furry, choose a scent and run with it. This does not necessarily include halitosis (bad breath) because it's technically a skin-based glandular secretion. But their pits can stink up a storm...
If a socially unacceptable scent is desired, Lose 1d6 Appearance, and 1d4 Social Skill.
MAJOR 84-85 Condition Based Scent
Whenever the character encounters a certain specific emotional event (surprised, afraid, elated), time (full moons, high tides, every day at noon), or physical condition (exposure to the sun, estrus, touching someone's skin), they secrete a specific mood-based smell. This smell is easily recognizable by everyone who knows the character, but might be odd for a newly met person. Decide whether they have multiple phases, scents and conditions - but they must have at least one 'bad' if they're going to have a 'good'. This effect happens at least one time per week, at this rate, and is generally considered a 'negative' until they have skilled up their own perception of the conditions that spur it. They can hide, when the time comes... Maybe. If they're lucky.
Lose 1d6 Courage, as an effect of 'not knowing when' it'll kick in (or, knowing!).
SPECIAL 84-85 Pheremone Production
Instead of producing pheremones at haphazard rates, this character's skin and glands appear to be more under their control than most organs. While they always exude some kind of exotic scent (bad or good) they will be able to control what this scent does. It can act as a simple mind or emotion controller - forcing someone to run away, perhaps lulling them with a familiar childhood smell - or can help distract animals or aid in instructing them. This mutation appears before any others on the character, if they have any, but until they choose to display a skill in it (minimum of 5 points) they cannot control it, and it acts as the Major mutation above. Different scents could be skilled up, with practice.
Lose 1d5 Appearance (for constant smell, good or bad it doesn't matter, it's noticable)
Treat this mutation as an Animal Master's minor power Training Mindlock, if used on animals
Treat this mutation as Mental minor power Mental Clouding if used on humans. Either can be skilled up to Major level of effect and with specific results.
MINOR 86-87 Small Skin Growth
This can be as innocuous as a wart or as large as a plain lump, but it is pretty gross to look at. It will not impede the performance of the Character, but the looks are important.
Character loses 1d6 Appearance.
MAJOR 86-87 Large Subdermal Lump or Lumps
There is no mistaking these for anything other than a mutation. They look like cancerous growths, and grow back when they are cut off, unless they are really gouged out, in which case the Character will have deep scars. Again, there is nothing actually wrong with the Character, just the skin lumps.
Character loses 3d6 Appearance, 2d6 if they have the lumps really removed.
SPECIAL 86-87 For lack of a better description: a Foetal Twin is encased in the Character's body, most likely on their back.
This is really offensive, particularly if it is not removed. At best, there is a kind of wriggly lump somewhere, at worst there will be the formation of a head or limb coming right out of the Character's body. This has been largely (see next mutation) the only way they know that in utero twins have occurred, but they never seem to survive on their own. It is usually the dominant twin that absorbs the smaller one into its body, when the mother's body does not. The only time a Character will have this remain is if the Player decides that this is essential to their development. The Breeder who allowed this mutation to survive will be shunned, and most likely the Character will be the only child of those particular partners. The foetus will possibly have a brain, at the desire of the Player and approved by the Game Holder. Character's Appearance is automatically halved, and will never ever be higher than 50. Not even if the foetus is removed at birth, there will always be scars, big ones. If it is removed, there is a chance that the Character will remember it, like a ghost limb or a memory that has gone sour. This is one of the few physical mutations that can cause Sanity loss.
If foetus is still connected, and has some kind of brain, Character gains 1d6 Intelligence, and loses 1d10 Sanity. If the foetus was removed at birth the Character will lose 1d8 Sanity, possibly having some kind of phobia or other psychological disorder. Removal of the foetus at any age other than birth will cause irreparable damage to the sanity of the Character. (Sanity is halved.)(!) The foetus will not have any powers or characteristics.
MINOR 88-89 Slightly Conjoined At Birth
Character was conjoined at birth to a twin, by a small connection in the skin, somewhere usually quite easily removed. This may mean the character could have a twin (only 10% likely), or their twin died at birth (80%), or was already dead before then but still connected (10%). They will have a small scar where the skin was cut to separate them, which fades within about 40 years of the surgery.
MAJOR 88-89 Major Conjoinment
Character was or is joined to their twin in a poor location: an arm is shared, a leg, or major organs. If they don't want to play twins, this might mean that their twin died (60%) or one or both of them is running around with a missing limb or on dialisys. There will always be a large scar where separation occurred, if that is the case.
Character loses 3d6 Appearance and 2d6 Agility, possibly up to -2d4 Health due to shared organs
SPECIAL 88-89 Inseperably Joined Twin
The Character and their fetal buddy are totally one. They may have two heads and nothing else split away. They could be joined at the back of the head, or in the chest with two torsos or sets of legs. In some format, this character is going to have a lot of explaining to do socially. This is one of the few deformities which many Breeders do not allow to continue through to birth - but some lax clinics might miss it and certain folks might be born this way. People seeing this monstrosity must make a Sanity check or risk losing 1d6 Sanity for the first few times they see it. Both twins, if there are two heads, might be different in many ways, but they are never going to be apart from one another. Too much of their body is shared. If one of the twins dies, the character (which one is left?) will suffer a permanent loss of up to half their Sanity - and possibly have to have the other portion removed to avoid disease, which will leave horrible scars both mentally and physically. This is what happens when twins of more normal Breeding levels occur. Twins in Animal Tuned
individuals never - ever - seem to have this happen to them, so whatever else they are, they're not Animal Masters.
Character (and whatever else you wish to call their twin, if it has a head it's another character with the same stats) loses 50 Appearance or 1/2 of their full Appearance if under 50. Often, they will lose up to 2d10 Agility, Health or Strength, and always lose 1d10 Social Skill or Courage
MINOR 90-92 Short Lifespan
This character will have an unusually short life. When rolling or choosing Age and Lifespan, they might want to be younger than the other Characters, since long-term events still play importantly in this game. Their top age is 150 minus 1d4x10 years.
MAJOR 90-92 Accelerated Aging
Character will appear older than they are, and also have a proportionately shorter lifespan. Roll 1d4: 1 = 10% shorter and older, 2 = 25% shorter and older, 3 = 35% older and shorter, 4 = 50% older and shorter life. Roll as normal for max age and then do the math.
SPECIAL 90-92 Terminal
This is not recommended for Player Characters, but handy for NPC's. Character is dying, is old already or has been in some way altered to look and be in their long years. They will have few if any teeth, their hair will have stopped coming in and being nice, their skin sags and they're just plain old. Use this carefully, if they drop dead at an important moment in the Game, you're still S.O.L.! To determine how much time they've still got left, roll for max age, and then roll 1d10x1d4. This is how long left. (So, a roll of 1 and 4 gives you 4 big years... A 10 and 2 you're still 20 years away from death...) They ought to be thinking of their Inheritances and Will...
Character will be at the Aged category socially, their senses will be at 1/2 at best (1/2 Reaction), Agility is at minus 30, Strength and Health are at minus 40. Other mods may apply
MINOR 93-96 Weak Constitution
The Character is constantly down, never has much desire to work or play. If they overextend themself they must make a check (30%) of passing out or damaging themself.
Lose 1d10 health, or reduce Health of over 50 to 50. They may usually attempt any normal or even hard task if necessary at a Courage +30.
MAJOR 93-96 Sickly
The Character is always sick, never been healthy to speak of. They might catch colds easily, sprain joints all the time, or suffer from the 'vapors'. They might need to use medication in severe cases. If doing any kind of strenuous exercise, they must check (50%) against passing out or damage.
Health will never be higher than 40. Courage rolls are at +15, however.
SPECIAL 93-96 Debilitating Weakness
Character is pretty useless outside their home. They will never have a Health of over 30, and will never be able to
do any kind of work that requires more than a few moments. Don't bother checking for damage, they won't ever get that far. Thinking hard about work makes this Character pass out. They may attempt any normal action at a Courage roll.

MINOR 97-100 Hard to Activate Powers
This Character must concentrate on their powers to make them work. This might go several ways: the powers may require an activation roll, their use continues only with uninterrupted concentration, or the powers may be very difficult to turn off. Since this is a minor mutation, it should never be impossible to do any of the above - but it might be an amusing interaction with the characters.
MAJOR 97-100 Major Lack of Psionic Control
Character's powers often go out of control, working on friends in addition to enemies, causing headaches or physical backlash to the user, or continue to work without stopping until the character is drained of their power and falls unconscious. Powers which are listed as "uncontrolled" might go off and alert people to the presence of the Character. This Character can only rarely be skilled enough to focus their energy once in a while, so their powers are both difficult to ascertain by others, and appear at random times during the growth of the Character. The psionics of the Character are never dependable, but are present should they really need them. They may learn to compensate for this Major mutation but at quite a negative to their starting skills. (Talk it over with the Game Holder: usually a starting skill of -10 would suffice, meaning that they would have to devote a LOT of concentrated effort and game time to playing off that disadvantage.)
SPECIAL 97-100 Cannot Control Any Psionics
All the powers of the character function with a mind of their own (ie: the Game Holder says when, or even a vote by the Players in the group). They might cut out when they're really needed, or turn on in disasterous ways. This is a very serious condition and should not be taken by Players without some amount of sense and experience. It is not a convienent mutation to have, nor is it a frivolous one. Each power might turn on at once, causing a terrifying burnout of power level, or causing side effects no one counted on. Friends of the Character might come into the line of fire, or all the plans or secrets of the group might be betrayed by a stray telepathic thought.
Note that this mutation is listed here even though it technically is a "disadvantage" because it ONLY applies to charaters WITH psionic abilities. Disadvantages can be assigned to normal characters.