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Later on - make sure you read page 2 of Virus before going here!

The Keltic Rose Isle area seemed oddly quiet for a while, but even during the down times, there was always something for Pylori to be doing. Apakk was growing bigger by the day it seemed, so he usually remained near by.

Snapper kept growing too. The red Baiton seemed unusually testy one day.

"What's gotten into you, little one?" Pylori asked. He heard a rumbling in the distance: a shock of floodwaters were heading down the gulley several miles away, and would probably end up causing some trouble.

Well, that was something to do, now wasn't it?

They kept wating for the word that someone had been injured or needed their help. Apakk growled when one attendant knocked at their den's entrance.

"Hush, Apakk. They're friendly."

She continued to growl, but snuck off to the back of their den. The imploring look she gave Pylori almost broke his heart.

"Okay, okay, do you want to come along, or should I stay?"

"You're needed out in the field, sir," said the runner. "The dragon should learn to be on her own a little bit."

Apakk didn't much think that was nice, but Snapper 'offered' to stay as well. Pylori would have brought him along because he was small and annoying, but right now they had all the annoying they could handle, in the form of the flood.

Keltic Rose Isle - Glenn Dragon

Name: Apakk (Japanese: pressure)

Gender: Female

Age: Child

Color: Red

Type: Unknown

Breath Weapon: Unknown

Caretaker: Pylori, Red Snapper Baiton


View the NEXT stage in Apakk's growth!  

Background by Droppin the Fork!