Welcome to the index page of the Ferilon Farm and Egyptan Breeder sites!

Since these pages are remnants of my old Geocities sites, it's a good possibility that many of the links are broken. Any link that refers to geocities.com and leads to one of my ferilon farm / egyptan sites can be replaced with droppin-the-fork.com/ferilons/ at the begining and you should at least get *somewhere*. Not all portions of the site within their own directories have index pages, so you may have to find specific pages to get them to load.


Sites contained in this directory:

Egyptan Breeder / Egyptan Refuge - contains my old adoptable site as well as my own adopted Egyptans. May update these on Deviantart at some point.

Ferilon Farm (main site) / Ferilon Ranch (adopted site) - ff main site has been updated a bit. Ferilon Ranch will still be in use for adoptables when I adopt pets or dragons there.

Ferilon Genes (direct to gene chart) / Existing Genes (...) - to make your own Ferilons, or check the tribal / show genes. Some of those may be very, very out of date, though.

Ferilon Generator - may be out of date, but it's a recent click-to-generate a fully functional set of genetics for your ferilons!

All portions of this website including its parent directory droppin-the-fork are (c) 2015 lethe gray (aka sara) and may not be used without express permission. People who had been on the old Yahoo groups for ferilons, egyptans, dragons, and other such pets should find me at deviantart at either my lethe-gray account (main, photos, art) or world-of-zekira account (Zekiran specific stuff up to and inlcuding adoptables), or my stock-photo account dtf-stock. I cannot guarantee any links leading away from this site still work, as the pages are almost 100% migrated from geocities and have hardly been touched in the 5+ years since that site stopped working.